Food bank collection
1st October 2018Charity quiz night
3rd November 2018Need help? That’s one of today’s FAQs, whether about assembling an item of flat-pack furniture, on a website, at the top of a magazine problem page or on a Samaritans notice by a railway line. Even the most independent and self-sufficient of us sooner or later face situations beyond our own resources, where we need advice from somewhere else.
Helplines are available to cover a surprising range of circumstances. Nowadays it’s possible to phone in, email or text for help in all sorts of areas – health, employment, finance, security and education to name a few. Expert help is available for practical things like unblocking a drain or trying to start the car, as well as in social and personal relationships or emotional difficulties. We certainly live in an age which can show genuine care, concern and compassion, even though the daily news is often dominated by cases of the opposite.
By turning to the spiritual dimension, a higher level of help can be found. Some take the view that religion is nothing but a crutch to support those who cannot get by on their own. However, the other side of the coin is that the many of us who acknowledge there is a caring God, can testify from personal experience that help from above is a reality. A living faith brings the conviction that guidance through life can’t be dismissed as an illusion or some trick of the mind. Another point is that divine aid is not remote or difficult to apply for. It’s only a prayer away. All we have to do is to ask in sincerity and trust. There is far more help available than we could ever need. If you haven’t asked before, right now might be a good opportunity. It may lead to the discovery of a new dimension in your life. There are many people who have found an inner strength and come to meaningful faith in this way.
The Lord Jesus lived a life on earth, just as we do, so he knows all about it. For the Christian, he is just the one to turn to because he understands. We only have to ask with a genuine heart. As the Message Bible encourages us: ‘So let’s walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.’
The Holy Scriptures are actually a rich source of help in a vast number of ways. God’s word is there to guide us, so it’s worth looking at its inspired advice to us as human beings. In addition it looks forward beyond our present uncertainties and promises a perfect future for this world. Now there’s good, helpful news.