
Sutton Christadelphians hold lots of different meetings and activities in their own hall on Trinity Hill, in the heart of Sutton Coldfield. There’s something happening most days of the week.

You are warmly invited to any of our services.

What to expect

From the outside, our hall doesn’t look that inviting or interesting but once inside, you can be assured of a warm welcome!

Whether you have visited a Christadelphian meeting before or not, there will be someone at the front door to make you feel at home, to make sure that you have a Bible and a hymn book, and to guide you to a seat.

During the meeting there will be prayers, hymns, Bible readings and Bible-based talks. You can participate in as much, or as little, as you like.

Speakers at Christadelphian services are not heckled or applauded. However, the talks are always received with genuine thanks and often result in enthusiastic discussion after the meeting. Christadelphians do not have paid ministers. Instead the meetings are arranged and led by the members themselves.

Usually Christadelphians stand up during hymns and prayers (if they are able to) and they may look up the Bible passages with the speaker during the talk. Don’t worry if you don’t know your way around the Bible yet; you can either sit back and listen or use the contents page in the front of the Bible if you wish to. Often the relevant Bible passages are shown on a projected slide.

If you decide to visit us, we hope that you will stay and chat with us over a cup of tea – we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.